School governors are volunteers who help to run the school. Most schools work with a group of school governors - together they’re called the Governing Body. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and monitoring standards and the curriculum. Governors also help to make decisions about the school’s long-term goals. They support headteachers, but are also expected to hold the school to account and provide challenge to ensure the headteacher is taking the school in the right direction. From the profiles below, you will see that our Governing Body members bring a whole range of skills and experience to the table.
Register of Business Interests
Governing Body Minutes
There is a legal duty on all governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting and for the governor concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered. To help put this duty into practice, a governing body is required to establish and maintain a register of pecuniary interests indicating, for all governors and the headteacher, any business interests.
The Governing Body of Grange Moor Primary School is made up of the following members, their date of appointment referring to the commencement of their most recent term of office:
Mrs. Nancy Halliwell - Co Chair
I joined the Governing Body in autumn 2023 as I felt I’d like to make use of my experience in a voluntary capacity. I have previously taught in 2 large London junior schools and 3 local schools. Most recently I was a regular supply teacher in a first school which gave me valuable experience from Reception to Year 5 and certainly kept me on my toes!
As mum to two teenagers and owner of a very demanding dog, my visits to Grange Moor Primary School provide a welcome change. Having got to know staff and pupils, I’m excited about what the future holds for this friendly, welcoming and ambitious school. I hope that our strong governing board continues to support and challenge as we strive for Greatness.
Date of appointment: 30.10.23 Voted Co-Chair 14.11.24
Type of appointment: LA Governor
Term of office: Four years
Mrs. Laura Jones - Co Chair of Governors
I'm Laura Jones and I have a daughter who left Grange Moor in 2020. My eldest son is in Year Six and I have twins in Year Four. I have lived in Grange Moor since June 2012, being from Kirkheaton originally. As I'm sure any parent does, I feel very strongly that every child deserves the best possible education to meet their needs. As parent governor I am keen to support the teaching staff and current board of governors.
I am currently working as a Specialist twins and multiples Midwife at St James's University Hospital, having been a nurse prior to this. Whilst the parent governor role is a completely different one, I feel I have lots of transferable skills to bring to the role of governor. I am approachable for any problems/issues parents may have so that Grange Moor Primary School can continue to be a school to be proud of.
Date of appointment: 4th December 2019 (reappointed 18th July 2023) Voted Co-Chair 14.11.24
Type of appointment: Parent
Term of office: Four years
Mrs. Helen Myers - Co-opted
I have been a governor at Grange Moor for seven years. I have lived in Grange Moor for over 20 years and very much enjoyed volunteering at school as a "reading friend" and also helping in fundraising events. I originally wanted to get more involved with the school because I felt I could put a parent perspective on matters. Our school may be small but is highly regarded and I want to help to keep it that way. I am also involved in local community projects and have been involved in other Committees which give me an insight into how places of education are run.
Date of appointment: 19th May 2019 (23rd May 2023 - reappointed) Stepped Down as Chair 14.11.24
Type of appointment: Co-opted
Term of office: Four years
Mrs. Charlotte Huscroft
I’m Charlotte and I became a parent governor for the school in 2019. I wanted to be a governor because I want to support this wonderful little school as much as I can. I currently live in Kirkheaton and have done for most of my life. I work for West Yorkshire Police and have done for nearly 15 years, 14 of them as a Police Community Support Officer but more recently as a Neighbourhood Support Officer. I have two sons, my eldest is in Year Five and my youngest is now in Year Two. In my spare time I enjoy playing cricket, spending time with my family, watching my sons play football and cricket and walking our dog. .
Date of appointment: 17th January 2020
Type of appointment: Parent
Term of office: Four years
Mrs. Lydia McGrath
I have four children between one and six years old who will hopefully all attend Grange Moor Primary School. My eldest son is currently in Year Two and my eldest daughter is in Year One. I felt that I would like to get involved as I would be attending Grange Moor Primary School for quite some time! I am a director of a utility company, founder of Woodside Weddings, treasurer for Upper Hopton Pre School and we live on a small farm in Grange Moor. I have been involved in some local community projects and I am generally passionate about the village and it being a lovely place for our children to grow up. I hope that I can be beneficial to my fellow governors and if nothing else just be a good support to the school.
Date of appointment: 25th November 2020
Type of appointment: Co-opted
Term of office: Four years
Mr. Joseph Adams
I am the Curriculum Lead for Enterprise Education at the University of Huddersfield. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science (2002) which included a placement year at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, where I served as a Network Engineer. Immediately after graduating, I undertook a Master of Science degree in e-Business (2003). Following the completion of the MSc, I gained a place on Citi Bank's graduate programme as a Systems Analyst and worked in Tokyo, Japan for three years. Upon returning to the UK, I transitioned into the field of education and completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (2007) at Kings College, London, complemented by a MA in Education (2011), from the UCL Institute of Education. With an extensive background in education spanning over 16 years, I have taught in high profile inner London schools for eleven years, spent four years working in Beijing, China and one year teaching in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I have acquired several notable professional teaching qualifications through the National College of Teaching and Leadership. These include recognition as an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) in 2012, Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) in the field of Computer Science in 2013, and the prestigious National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) in 2014.
Date of appointment: 21.02.24
Type of appointment: Co-opted
Term of office: Four years
Mrs Vicki Feeny
I have been teaching for 18 years. My first job was teaching Year 5 at a large primary School in Mirfield. I moved to Grange Moor in 2007 and taught Years 3 and 4 for ten years. I took a year out for my maternity leave when I had my son and returned to teaching part-time. I have been working in Upper Key Stage 2 for the past three years which has been an excellent opportunity for me to further develop my teaching skills. I am currently the Science, D.T and Art subject leader and have recently taken on the role of Well-Being Governor.
I am very passionate about working at Grange Moor and by joining the governing body, I aim to help support my fellow governors in continuing to provide a happy and successful school where all children thrive.
Date of appointment: 15.04.24
Type of appointment: Staff Governor
Term of office: Four years